Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am addicted

On Sunday, our home computer died. It was an ugly death - a crash of massive proportions. Luckily, the unit is under warranty, so the replacement parts are on the way to us. Sadly, it is not fast enough for me.

I am so addicted to the Internet. Every morning between about 7 and 8 am, I check my e-mail and Facebook accounts. I also check out random other sites. If I can't get that access, I feel like I am totally disconnected in the world. I need my fix (and usually several times a day).

Yesterday was my day off. I would have had several hours to sit happily in front of the computer checking in with friends, playing games, and answering e-mails. I had to go to the library instead to use the public computer. I could not handle one day away! It is a sickness.

I just hope that our computer gets fixed soon. It needs to be fixed so I can get my fix.


Jon O. said...

Please tell us what kind of laptop that is/was?

Did it happen to be a Dell or Mac? :)

Susan Mo said...

HP. We got the replacement hard drive last night with the software. The software failed, so we are waiting for another set of discs.