So, this weekend was my big weekend. I worked at The Junior League's Bargain Sale Friday night and Saturday afternoon. It turned out to be a mostly great event. The Preview Night on Friday was particularly good. It really seemed like people were happy. The turn out was great, the food looked good (volunteers were not supposed to eat), and the band was OK. The silent auction seemed to go over very well, too. Saturday was a lovely day - sunny skies and about 65 degrees. It couldn't have been nicer. I just wish some of the BS folks were nicer. We sell nice things (donated by members) for pennies, and people still get mean. At the end of the day, we sell white bags for $5.00. Whatever you can stuff into the bag is yours - but it has to be IN THE BAG. This one lady got so angry when we would not let her go with her bag overflowing with stuff. We told her she had to purchase the overflow (for like a dollar) and she pitched a fit. She gave all the stuff back and got her $5.00. People are friggin crazy.
After BS, Bill and I had 2 parties to attend. We went to Bill's former bosses place for an open house. It was a nice little party. Bill was even able to meet a man who has worked at Bill's new company for over 34 years. It was nice to speak to someone who has had a long and prosperous career with the new company. After that party, we went to our favorite Thai place to wind down and made a little pit stop at the mall (you knew I had to get that in!) before heading to a party thrown by one of my colleagues. It was a great day overall.
Sunday was a day for rest. We relaxed and watched 2 movies. We were surprised by the movies - both were pretty good - Click and American Dreamz.
Then, Monday came. The day seemed OK for a Monday. Bill was working out of the house, so I was able to go home and have lunch with him. At about 4, our CEO invited us all to a company meeting. I was not surprised, he has these fairly often to keep us all informed. What I was not expecting was to hear that we lost a major client. We will also be parting with another client at year end. Needless to say, it was a shocking turn of events. Also needless to say, I will be working on my resume on Saturday. At least Bill got a good job.